From the National Park Service and Dickinson College

Author: Cooper Wingert Page 21 of 38

Hilliard, George and Susan

George and Susan Hilliard lived in Boston, where George served as a U.S. commissioner. Rather than enforce the 1850 Fugitive Slave Act, George and Susan sheltered freedom seekers and in October 1850 tipped off freedom seekers Ellen and William Craft about efforts to recapture them.

ESSAYS: Grover

ROLES: Judicial Officer // UGRR Operative

Hopkins, Erastus

Erastus Hopkins was the president of the Connecticut River Railroad and used his position to assist freedom seekers.

ESSAYS: Grover

ROLES: UGRR Operative

Hopper, Isaac T

Isaac T. Hopper (1771-1852) was a Quaker abolitionist who first assisted freedom seekers in Philadelphia during the 1790s. Hopper later relocated to New York City in 1829, where he continued his antislavery activism.

ESSAYS: Crew // Sinha

ROLES: UGRR Operative

Hornblower, Joseph

Joseph Hornblower (1777-1864) was the chief justice of New Jersey who defended the state’s personal liberty law while calling into question the federal 1793 Fugitive Slave Act.

ESSAYS: Baker // Finkelman

ROLES: Antislavery Politician // Judicial Officer

Howland, Weston

Weston Howland was a Quaker merchant in New Bedford, Massachusetts who assisted freedom seekers to escape by boat from Virginia.

ESSAYS: Newby-Alexander

ROLES: UGRR Operative

Hudson, John

John Hudson was a free African American and Underground Railroad operative who lived near Ripley, Ohio.

ESSAYS: Churchill // Sinha

ROLES: UGRR Operative

Hunn, John

John Hunn (1818-1894) was a Quaker abolitionist in Delaware who often worked in tandem with Thomas Garrett. In 1848, federal prosecutors convicted Hunn of violating the 1793 Fugitive Slave Act and fined him $2,500 in damages.


ROLES: UGRR Operative

Hunt, Seth

Seth Hunt was the clerk of the Connecticut River Railroad and used his position to aid freedom seekers.

ESSAYS: Grover

ROLES: UGRR Operative

Hunt, Washington

Washington Hunt served as governor of New York.

ESSAYS: Barker


Hussey, Erastus

Erastus Hussey was an Underground Railroad activist in Battle Creek, Michigan.

ESSAYS: Johnson

ROLES: UGRR Operative

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