From the National Park Service and Dickinson College

Category: UGRR Operative Page 9 of 10

Torrey, Charles

Charles Torrey (1813-1846) was an abolitionist, convicted of slave stealing under Maryland law in 1844, where he died in prison two years later.

ESSAYS: Baker // Harrold // Sinha

ROLES: UGRR Operative

Van Zandt, John

John Van Zandt (1791-1847) was an Ohio abolitionist whose refusal to pay damages for assisting freedom seekers led to his conviction under the 1793 Fugitive Slave Act and prompted the US Supreme Court’s decision in Jones v. Van Zandt (1847), which affirmed the constitutionality of the 1793 law.

ESSAYS: Finkelman

ROLES: UGRR Operative

Vanderhoop, Beulah

Beulah Vanderhoop was a Gay Head Indigenous person who assisted freedom seeker Edinbur Randall, who escaped from a vessel that landed at Martha’s Vineyard in 1854.

ESSAYS: Grover

ROLES: UGRR Operative

Walker, Jonathan

Jonathan Walker (1799-1878) was a Massachusetts abolitionist convicted and branded for slave stealing in the Florida Territory in 1844.


ROLES: Abolitionist // UGRR Operative

Webber, John Ferdinand and Sylvia

John Ferdinand and Sylvia Webber were a married couple living near Hidalgo, Texas who assisted freedom seekers on their way to Mexico. Sylvia had been formerly enslaved herself, though her husband John Ferdinand was white.

ESSAYS: Baumgartner

ROLES: Freedom Seeker // UGRR Operative

Webster, Delia E

Delia E. Webster (1817-1904) was an abolitionist convicted in Kentucky for aiding the escape of Harriet and Lewis Hayden in 1844.

ESSAYS: Baker // Larson // Sinha

ROLES: UGRR Operative

White, Jacob C

Jacob C. White (1806-1872) was a Black barber and member of the Philadelphia Vigilance Committee.


ROLES: UGRR Operative

Whittemore, Enoch

Enoch Whittemore was a thread and spool manufacturer in Ashburnham, Massachusetts who sheltered and employed freedom seeker Josiah Thomas, his wife, and their child.

ESSAYS: Grover

ROLES: UGRR Operative

Williamson, Passmore

Passmore Williamson (1822-1895) was a Quaker abolitionist from Philadelphia famous for his role in the 1855 rescue of Jane Johnson.

ROLES: UGRR Operative

Work, Alanson

Alanson Work was an abolitionist convicted of slave stealing in Missouri in 1841.


ROLES: UGRR Operative

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