From the National Park Service and Dickinson College

Author: Cooper Wingert Page 37 of 38

White, Jacob C

Jacob C. White (1806-1872) was a Black barber and member of the Philadelphia Vigilance Committee.


ROLES: UGRR Operative

Whittemore, Enoch

Enoch Whittemore was a thread and spool manufacturer in Ashburnham, Massachusetts who sheltered and employed freedom seeker Josiah Thomas, his wife, and their child.

ESSAYS: Grover

ROLES: UGRR Operative

Wilberforce, William

William Wilberforce was a British abolitionist.

ESSAYS: Barker

ROLES: Abolitionist

Williams, Isaac

Isaac Williams escaped from Ayler’s slave pen in Richmond, Virginia in 1854, and resettled in St. Catharines, Canada.

ESSAYS: Newby-Alexander

ROLES: Freedom Seeker

Williams, John

John Williams was a freedom seeker from Kentucky who later resettled in Massachusetts.

ESSAYS: Grover

ROLES: Freedom Seeker

Williamson, Henry

Henry Williamson was a freedom seeker interviewed by abolitionist Benjamin Drew in Canada during the 1850s.


ROLES: Freedom Seeker

Williamson, Passmore

Passmore Williamson (1822-1895) was a Quaker abolitionist from Philadelphia famous for his role in the 1855 rescue of Jane Johnson.

ROLES: UGRR Operative

Willis, Michael

Michael Willis served as president of the Anti-Slavery Society of Canada.

ESSAYS: Barker

ROLES: Abolitionist

Wilson, Hiram

Hiram Wilson was an abolitionist and educator who lived in Upper Canada.

ESSAYS: Barker

ROLES: Abolitionist

Winthrop, Robert

Robert Winthrop was a US senator from Massachusetts.


ROLES: Antislavery Politician

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