From the National Park Service and Dickinson College

Author: Cooper Wingert Page 32 of 38

Smallwood, Elizabeth and Thomas

Elizabeth and Thomas Smallwood were Underground Railroad operatives in the Washington, DC area.

ESSAYS: Harrold

ROLES: UGRR Operative

Smith, Gerrit

Gerrit Smith (1797-1874) was an abolitionist who ran three times as the Liberty Party’s presidential nominee and served a single term as a New York congressman.


ROLES: Antislavery Politician

Smith, James Lindsay

James Lindsay Smith was a freedom seeker who escaped from Virginia in 1838 and resettled in Springfield, Massachusetts.

ESSAYS: Grover

ROLES: Freedom Seeker

Smith, James McCune

James McCune Smith (1813-1865) was a Black physician and abolitionist from New York.


ROLES: Abolitionist

Somerset, James

James Somerset was an enslaved man who successfully won his freedom when his slaveholder took him to England in the Somerset decision.

ESSAYS: Barker

ROLES: Freedom Seeker

Stanton, Lucy

Lucy Stanton was a Black educator and abolitionist.

ESSAYS: Jackson

ROLES: Abolitionist


Stephen was an enslaved man who escaped from Virginia slaveholder George Henderson in 1847.

ESSAYS: Churchill

ROLES: Freedom Seeker

Stephens, Alexander

Alexander Stephens (1812-1883) was a slaveholder who served as a congressman and US Senator from Georgia, and later as vice president of the Confederacy.


ROLES: Proslavery Politician

Stevens, Thaddeus

Thaddeus Stevens (1792-1868) was an antislavery congressman from Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

ESSAYS: Bordewich //Pinsker

ROLES: Antislavery Politician // UGRR Operative

Stewart, Alvan

Alvan Stewart (1790-1849) was an antislavery lawyer in New York and New Jersey.


ROLES: Abolitionist

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