From the National Park Service and Dickinson College

Author: Cooper Wingert Page 17 of 38

Foster, Stephen

Stephen Foster was an abolitionist in Massachusetts.

ESSAYS: Barker

ROLES: Abolitionist

Fountain, Albert

Albert Fountain was an Underground Railroad operative who sheltered freedom seekers aboard his ship, the Charles T. Ford.


ROLES: UGRR Operative

French, Lewis

Lewis French was a freedom seeker who worked in a Florence, Massachusetts daguerreotype case factory.

ESSAYS: Grover

ROLES: Freedom Seeker

Gallatin, Albert

Albert Gallatin served as the US secretary of Treasury and US ambassador to Britain.

ESSAYS: Barker


Garner, Margaret

Margaret Garner was a Kentucky freedom seeker who in January 1856 killed her young daughter when surrounded by slave catchers rather than allow her child to be returned to slavery.

ESSAYS: Churchill

ROLES: Freedom Seeker

Garnet, Henry Highland

Henry Highland Garnet (1815-1882) was a freedom seeker and abolitionist, whose 1843 “Address to the Slaves” urged enslaved Southerners to resist the slave system.

ESSAYS: LaRoche // Sinha

ROLES: Abolitionist // Freedom Seeker

Garrett, Thomas

Thomas Garrett (1789-1871) was a Quaker abolitionist and Underground Railroad operative who claimed to have assisted more than 2,000 freedom seekers over multiple decades. Working with Harriet Tubman and Philadelphia vigilance leader William Still, Garrett assisted freedom seekers from his Wilmington home northward to Philadelphia. In 1848, federal prosecutors convicted the abolitionist under the 1793 Fugitive Slave Act and fined him $5,400, but Garrett pledged to continue his Underground Railroad work. When Garrett died in 1871, Black residents of Wilmington came out in large numbers to pay their respects to the veteran abolitionist.

ESSAYS: Barker // Foner // Harrold // Larson / Sinha

ROLES: Abolitionist // UGRR Operative

Garrison, William Lloyd

William Lloyd Garrison (1805-1879) was an abolitionist and editor of the Liberator.

ESSAYS: Grover // Sinha

ROLES: Abolitionist

Gay, Sydney Howard

Sydney Howard Gay (1814-1888) abolitionist, editor of the National Anti-Slavery Standard, leader of New York City’s vigilance operation

ESSAYS: Blackett // Foner // Larson // Pinsker // Sinha

ROLES: Abolitionist // UGRR Operative

George, William

William George was an enslaved man who escaped from Harpers Ferry, Virginia in 1851 and resettled in St. Catharines, Canada.

ESSAYS: Newby-Alexander

ROLES: Freedom Seeker

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