From the National Park Service and Dickinson College

Author: Cooper Wingert Page 12 of 38

Burns, Anthony

Anthony Burns was a freedom seeker who escaped from Virginia to Massachusetts, only to be captured and returned to slavery by federal authorities following a controversial and expensive rendition hearing in June 1854.

ESSAYS:Blackett //Barker //Finkelman // Grover // Oakes // Pinsker // Sinha

ROLES: Abolitionist // Freedom Seeker


Anthony Burns

Anthony Burns ( House Divided Project)

Burnside, Ambrose

Ambrose Burnside was a US general during the Civil War.

ESSAYS: Manning


Burr, James

James Burr was an abolitionist convicted of slave stealing in Missouri in 1841.


ROLES: UGRR Operative

Burris, Samuel D

Samuel D. Burris (1813-1863) was a free Black man and Underground Railroad operative.


ROLES: UGRR Operative

Butler, Andrew

Andrew Butler was a proslavery US senator from South Carolina.


ROLES: Proslavery Politician

Butler, Benjamin

Benjamin Butler was a US general during the Civil War who developed the contraband decision.

ESSAYS: Manning


Chace, Elizabeth Buffum

Elizabeth Buffum Chace lived in Valley Falls, Rhode Island, where she directed freedom seekers to the Providence and Worcester Railroad.

ESSAYS: Grover

ROLES: UGRR Operative

Chadwick, Samuel

Samuel Chadwick was a New Bedford, Massachusetts merchant who helped freedom seekers escape from Virginia by boat.

ESSAYS: Newby-Alexander

ROLES: UGRR Operative

Chaplin, William

William Chaplin (1796-1871) was an abolitionist and Underground Railroad operative arrested and imprisoned for four months by Washington, DC authorities.

ESSAYS: Harrold // Sinha

ROLES: UGRR Operative


Charley was an enslaved man who provided military intelligence to US forces in North Carolina.

ESSAYS: Manning

ROLES: Freedom Seeker

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