All handouts in this section have been prepared by Matthew Pinsker, Dickinson College and are free to use or adapt for noncommercial, educational purposes.
Slavery and Resistance
Handout –Slavery Through Dred Scott
Handout –Henry Brown Lessons
War & Combat
Handout –Humiston
Handout –Civil War Costs
Handout –Lincoln’s Map
Handout –Black Soldiers
Lincoln’s Writings
Handout –Lincoln and Stevens
Blind Memorandum
Emancipation and Law of War
Handout –Wilkeson
Global Perspectives
Handout –Emancipation in Global Context
Handout –Secession in Global Context
Handout –Profiles in Manifest Destiny
Jeff McCausland
Fascinating to say the least. Do you have any data that includes civilian casualties? Realize that may be a difficult number as many would have died as an indirect consequence of the war (disease or starvation)?
Matthew Pinsker
The most widely accepted estimate for civilian casualties comes from James McPherson’s Battle Cry of Freedom (1989). He speculates that there were 50,000 civilian casualties, almost entirely in the South, during the American Civil War.