Summer 2021 Gallery

We hosted our first Teagle Foundation Knowledge for Freedom seminar in July 2021, designed to help prepare regional high school students to become better citizens and fully college ready.   This page contains a gallery of photos from that great inaugural experience.


Photo with President Jones
On our last day, seminar participants got to meet new Dickinson College President John E. Jones, III (a retired federal judge) and view rare artifacts from the privately held Wert Collection, including the original lectern from the platform where Lincoln delivered his Gettysburg Address.


Every morning, participants attended class in Denny Hall where they examined historical, political and philosophical texts related to freedom and equality.

Classroom Lectures
Teagle participants attending daily seminar in Dickinson College’s Denny Hall.

Professor Pinsker leading a lecture

Provost Weissman and Professor Pinsker
Provost Neil Weissman visited a seminar and spoke to students about liberal education and the significance of the Knowledge for Freedom program.



Seminar participants build websites containing their close reading analyses, blog posts, and a final essay comparing the reform strategies of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass

Students working on assignments
Teagle students working on close-reading reflections on assigned course material.
Student blogposts
Students creating blog posts about what they learned on our field trips.
Student working on portfolio
A student working on the final web-based portfolio.


Each day, students had a snack break in the House Divided studio in between seminars and presentations from visiting speakers.

Student snack-break
Snack break in the House Divided studio before daily presentations from visiting speakers.



Students attended workshops with Dickinson College admissions staff and librarians who provided an introduction to the college admissions process and instruction to advanced research strategies.

Admissions workshop
Students attended three workshops with Admissions staff who offered mentoring on the college application process.
Archival workshop
Students met with librarians who provided instruction on historical research methods and archival research.


Participants also met with outstanding local high school teachers 

Presentation with Mrs. McGeehan
Students attending a presentation by Keely McGeehan, who teaches English at  Carlisle High School.
Lecture with Mr. Wagner
Kevin Wagner, who teaches Social Studies at Carlisle High School, presenting to our Teagle seminar participants.


We divided students into two teams to debate the effectiveness of Abraham Lincoln’s and Frederick Douglass’s antislavery strategies.

Closing arguments during the debate
Team Lincoln presenting their closing arguments (photo from the Carlisle Sentinel)
Debate arguments
Teagle seminar participants debating the effectiveness of Abraham Lincoln’s and Frederick Douglass’s antislavery strategies on our last day
Team Lincoln Students
Team Lincoln before the debate
Team Douglass students
Team Douglass before the debate
Last minute debate preparation
Team Douglass and Team Lincoln preparing with their team leaders before the debate.


Students engaged in several activities around Carlisle, such as taking the Dickinson & Slavery historic walking tour, visiting Hope Station, and touring the Old Cumberland County Courthouse.

Hope Station
Teagle students visiting Hope Station, a local community nonprofit.

Cooper Wingert leading the Courthouse tour

Old Courthouse
Our high school seminar participants touring Carlisle’s Old Courthouse in July

On Saturday nights, students watched historical movies and engaged in discussion afterwards.

Student movie night
Teagle seminar participants watching Glory, a historical drama about the Civil War.


On our first field trip, we travelled to Harrisburg, PA where students visited the National Civil War Museum, Gathering at the Crossroads monument, and a Senator’s baseball game on City Island.

Professor Pinsker at the Civil War Museum
Professor Pinsker providing an introduction to the National Civil War Museum.
Civil War Museum Exhibits
Teagle students viewing exhibits inside the National Civil War Museum in Harrisburg, PA.

Professor Mealy lecture in Harrisburg
Professor Mealy presenting on figures commemorated by the Gathering at the Crossroads monument in Harrisburg, PA.

Teagle group outside of the National Civil War Museum in Harrisburg, PA.
Monument photograph
Visiting the Gathering at the Crossroads monument in Harrisburg, PA with project director Lenwood Sloan.

Senators Baseball Game
An evening out at the Senator’s baseball game on City Island.


Our second field trip was to Gettysburg National Military Park where students explored museum exhibits in the Visitor’s center followed by a tour of the battlefield, specifically learning about the Peace Light Monument, Little Round Top, and Pickett’s Charge.

Viewing exhibits inside the Visitor’s Center at Gettysburg National Military Park.
Teagle students after making their way up to Little Round Top.
Peace Light Monument
In front of the Peace Light Monument at the Gettysburg battlefield.
Professor Pinsker presentation on Pickett's Charge
Students learning about the site of Pickett’s Charge from Professor Pinsker.


Our final field trip was to Washington D.C. where students visited President Lincoln’s private summer home, the Smithsonian’s National African American Museum, and the Emancipation Memorial.

National Museum of African American History and Culture
Outside the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture.
Museum exhibits
Teagle students viewing exhibits in the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture.

Lincoln's summer home in DC
Teagle group outside of Lincoln’s private summer home in D.C.
Students at Lincoln summer home
Students viewing exhibits in the Visitor Education Center.
Emancipation Memorial
Teagle group visiting the Emancipation Memorial in Washington D.C.


Staff with Gettysburg Address Lectern
Professor Pinsker with the undergraduate student mentors for Teagle seminar.
Staff with Lectern
Assistant Director Todd Mealy and Faculty Director Matthew Pinsker with undergraduate student mentors.
Staff photo
Graduate teaching assistants and undergraduate student mentors.
Staff photo
Graduate teaching assistants, Cooper Wingert and Becca Stout.