Applications for Summer 2025 are now open
Apply today to experience a free college seminar over this summer and to gain a network of friends and mentors who could help shape your life for years come.
Title: Knowledge for Freedom (KFF) seminar
Program dates: Sunday, July 13 through Friday, July 25, 2025
Location: Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA
Cost: Free (includes room, board, field trips, and supplies)
Using the history of abolition movements as a backdrop, rising seniors from low-income households will get a taste of college life in a program to be offered by Dickinson College over the next three summers. —FROM THE CARLISLE SENTINEL
When is the application deadline?
Applications must be received by midnight on SATURDAY, MAY 31, 2025
Who is eligible to apply to the KFF seminar at Dickinson College?
- Any rising high school senior, but we give preference to students from south central Pennsylvania
- We also give preference to applicants from low-income families or for those who would be first-generation college students
It’s very easy to apply to the 2025 Knowledge For Freedom (KFF) seminar at Dickinson. There’s only four steps:
- Fill out the single-page form and get a parental signature
- Write a brief personal essay (500 words or less)
- Have your school guidance office share a copy of your current transcript
- Have a teacher or school official send us a letter of recommendation
- Download and print out the single-page form
- The form asks for some basic contact information
- The form also asks you to explain if you qualify for preference as a low-income or first-generation college student. This information is kept confidential and self-verified only.
- Finally, the form requires signatures from BOTH the applicant and a parent or guardian
- Please answer the following question in 500 words or less on a separate sheet or sheets of paper: Describe what you are like as a student, and which academic skills you are most determined to improve in college.
- Begin your essay with a brief descriptive title and your name.
- We do prefer to see these essays typed and single-spaced, but handwritten documents are acceptable.
- Here is a sample essay to help inspire some ideas.
- Please ask your high school guidance office send us a copy of your most recent transcript either via email ( with subject line: KFF Seminar 2025 or by regular mail: ATTN: Matthew Pinsker, Dickinson College, PO Box 1773, Carlisle, PA 17013. We can also provide a secure fax number upon request.
- If you have any difficulties obtaining a copy of your transcript before our MAY 31 deadline, please contact us at and we will explore some alternative reporting options.
- Please ask a teacher, coach or school official who knows you well to write a brief letter of recommendation on your behalf. They should send us that recommendation (to from their own school email account no later than May 31, 2025
Please send your documents from Steps 1 & 2 as attachments to a single email to with the subject heading: KFF Seminar 2025. You can attach these documents as Word files, scanned PDFs, or even images (JPGs) taken from your phone. Just please make sure you send ALL of the required documents by SATURDAY, MAY 31, 2025