Dickinson College / Gilder Lehrman Institute

A necessary journey south

Yesterday, I had to take a necessary journey from Michigan to my 95 year old Mom’s home in Richmond , Virginia. I lamented that I was unable to hear yesterday’s lecture and attend yesterday’s on line class. To my great surprise, this a.m., as I picked up the Richmond Times Newspaper, I discovered a daily column – entitled ” From the page of the Daily Dispatch on today’s date in 1862″ . The paper is running a column detailing an article to the corresponding day in 1862 .Content can be gleaned simply by logging on to TimesDispatch.com( search Civil War). Interesting reading


Abraham Galloway; Slave, Bricklayer, Fugitive, Abolitionist, Spy,…


A monument to slave traders or emancipation?

1 Comment

  1. janeapplebee

    Yay! Thanks so much for telling us about The Times Dispatch series – today there is enemy movement on the south side of the James River, fyi. This is great to read together with the NYT’s Disunion series http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/category/disunion/ – it also comes in the Twitter variety https://twitter.com/NYTcivilwar/

    Now I can get both sides of the war in (real time) + (150 years.)

    Hope your mother is doing well today.

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