Dickinson College / Gilder Lehrman Institute

Wordle and Local History

This is my first exploration with Wordle. I uploaded Lincoln’s House Divided Speech, ca. 1857-1858. This tool could be very effective and details Lincoln’s main points of the speech. However, I am having difficulty increasing the size of the text. I was unable to directly embed the code from Wordle. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Wordle could be  a valuable tool for my AP US History students. They could upload a primary source document from a DBQ, which would help them choose the salient outside information to include in their essay.

In addition, I have found that university campuses offer a wide breadth of local history. For my AP Human Geography course, I took my students to the University of Pennsylvania campus for a historical architecture tour that I developed. In addition, to discussing the buildings, a large number of historical figures were discussed as well. I can invision similar historical tours at universities around the country.





Civil War Jim


War as an Instrument of Policy

1 Comment

  1. nathanramin

    This is very interesting. Since seeing the presentation on PrimaryResearch.org, I’ve been thinking about what my students could see that would bring the Civil War home to them. I teach at a school on Chicago’s west side, and located a former prison camp nearby: Camp Douglas. Unfortunately, it’s currently covered in condos, but it is a starting point.

    Here’s the link to the Newberry Library site on the topic, if anyone’s curious: http://www.encyclopedia.chicagohistory.org/pages/207.html

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