4 users responded in this post

mrohlin said in July 6th, 2009 at 1:08 pm

It is interesting how little attention most people give to Supreme Court decisions today. I wonder what the immediate reaction was to the Dred Scott Decision. The fact that this is considered one of the causes of the Civil War should spark in each of us a greater interest in what happens at the Supreme Court and how their decisions may impact the way we conduct our lives. Most likely newspapers gave more space to Dred Scott than they do today for Court decisions. Every aspect of our government plays a part in how the nation develops. This case shows that and reminds us to pay closer attention.

Chris Peterson said in July 6th, 2009 at 1:10 pm

The information on the Dred Scott case will be very valuable to my students. I teach in MN and most of my students have played at Dred Scott Park in a neighboring suburb. The information will help to deepen their connection to Dred Scott.

AMcInerney said in July 6th, 2009 at 1:15 pm

Had Justice Taney, and the other justices ruled the other way, is it possible that the Civil War would have never occurred and that thousands of American lives could have been saved????

mmccann said in July 6th, 2009 at 1:15 pm

This information seems very helpful. I speand a great amount of time on this court case. Technology issues for older web browers needs to be resolved

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