Dickinson College students and staff are creating a wide variety of resources to commemorate the 150th anniversary of both the Civil War (2011-15) and Reconstruction (2015-27) in order to help America’s classrooms learn more about this turbulent era.
House Divided Project at Dickinson College
Matthew Pinsker, Director
61 N. West Street PO Box 1773 / Dickinson College Carlisle, PA 17013
Tel: 717-245-1865 hdivided@dickinson.edu
In The News
Project Marks End of Civil War Anniversary
In April 2011, the House Divided Project at Dickinson College launched to the public at the start of the 150th anniversary of the Civil War and now in April 2015 it is helping to commemorate the end of the Civil War anniversary with a series of special events and new resources. Thursday, April 9, 8 p.m.…
Praise from across the Blogosphere
From educator Lisa Kapp (2016): Need perfect photograph to launch unit on Civil War? @MatthewPinsker makes the case for Men of Company E https://t.co/ey5haxtukN #sschat — Lisa Kapp (@history_teach27) February 20, 2016 From Winterset (IA) Citizen online (June 3, 2015) “The House Divided Project at Dickinson College is one of several notable digital initiatives that…
New Digital Tools for Lincoln’s Birthday
(February 11, 2014) On the eve of Lincoln’s 205th birthday, the House Divided Project announces a series of new digital multi-media tools to help teachers and students commemorate Abraham Lincoln’s most important autobiographical statement –a short but revealing document that he produced in December 1859 as he prepared for a presidential bid. These new classroom…