Dickinson College students and staff are creating a wide variety of resources to commemorate the 150th anniversary of both the Civil War (2011-15) and Reconstruction (2015-27) in order to help America’s classrooms learn more about this turbulent era.
House Divided Project at Dickinson College
Matthew Pinsker, Director
61 N. West Street PO Box 1773 / Dickinson College Carlisle, PA 17013
Tel: 717-245-1865 hdivided@dickinson.edu
In The News
“Understanding Lincoln” Panels Open to Public
(June 3, 2014) The 2014 “Understanding Lincoln” online course began by unveiling the line up for a series of three expert panels on the evolving controversies surrounding presidential war-making since Lincoln’s era. Featured panelists included noted journalists, scholars and senior military figures. The panels will take place on June 18, 25 and July 9 and…
Project Launches to Public Acclaim
The House Divided Project made its official launch on the weekend of April 15 – 16, 2011 as part of a series of events designed to commemorate the beginning of the Civil War 150th anniversary. The launch weekend included a documentary film festival, K-12 teacher workshop, augmented reality walking tours of Civil War Carlisle, and…
Registration Opens for Understanding Lincoln
(March 15, 2014) The House Divided Project at Dickinson College and the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History are currently opening registration for “Understanding Lincoln,” an open,online graduate course that will begin on June 3, 2014 with regular classes running through July 16, 2014. The course, taught for the second time by noted Lincoln scholar Matthew Pinsker…