Abraham Lincoln once recalled that he was “raised to farm work,” but he left behind the farms of his youth in central Kentucky, southern Indiana, and eastern Illinois rather quickly to begin his extraordinary career in politics and law. By the time he entered the presidential race in 1860, at the age of 51, Lincoln […]
Search results: "Brenda Klawonn"
Contributing Editors for this page include Brenda Klawonn and Sarah Turpin Ranking #1 on the list of 150 Most Teachable Lincoln Documents Annotated Transcript Context: There are five versions of the Gettysburg Address in Abraham Lincoln’s handwriting. The so-called “Bliss Copy” was the final one prepared by the president in March 1864 and designed to be […]
Contributing Editors for this page include Michelle Grasso and Brenda Klawonn Ranking #64 on the list of 150 Most Teachable Lincoln Documents Annotated Transcript “My friends—No one, not in my situation, can appreciate my feeling of sadness at this parting.” On This Date HD Daily Report, February 11, 1861 The Lincoln Log, February 11, 1861 […]
At Quora, the social question & answer website, we have posted the following essential question to help teachers and students organize their thoughts on some of the documents within the Father Abraham theme: Why did Lincoln try to separate some aspects of equality and civil rights issues from emancipation policy and his opposition to […]
Here are some of the very best projects submitted in recent years by participants who joined the “Understanding Lincoln,” online graduate course. This course, organized around our site “Lincoln’s Writings,” is jointly sponsored by the House Divided Project at Dickinson College and the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. Please feel free to share these special multi-media […]
The following people have contributed a wide range of editorial content to the Lincoln’s Writings site. You can view their particular contributions by clicking on their names below. All of these editors have been graduate student participants in Matthew Pinsker’s “Understanding Lincoln,” online course from the Gilder Lehrman Institute, or undergraduate students in Pinsker’s American history classes at Dickinson […]