Dickinson College students and staff are creating a wide variety of resources to commemorate the 150th anniversary of both the Civil War (2011-15) and Reconstruction (2015-27) in order to help America’s classrooms learn more about this turbulent era.
House Divided Project at Dickinson College
Matthew Pinsker, Director
61 N. West Street PO Box 1773 / Dickinson College Carlisle, PA 17013
Tel: 717-245-1865 hdivided@dickinson.edu
In The News
“One of the Most Compelling … Projects”
The March 2010 issue of America’s Civil War calls the House Divided research engine “one of the most compelling sesquicentennial online projects” and predicts the site “will become a great resource for synthesizing many seemingly disparate elements of how and what we learn and teach about the Civil War.” “House Divided: The Civil War Era and…
C-SPAN Features Journal Divided on Class Episode
“American History TV” on C-SPAN 3 featured an episode inside the classroom of House Divided Project co-director Matthew Pinsker. C-SPAN cameras followed Pinsker as he led a discussion about Abraham Lincoln and the election of 1860 for a class at Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA. During the session, Pinsker premiered a documentary short film recently…
New Panel: What Would Lincoln Do?
SPECIAL PANEL AT FORD’S THEATRE TACKLES QUESTION, “WHAT WOULD LINCOLN DO?” (click below to view) October 15, 2013 Noted Lincoln historians and top-flight national policy experts debate how Abraham Lincoln gets used and sometimes abused by Washington policymakers as they invoke his legacy on behalf of their policy positions Washington, D.C. – A unique partnership…