Category: Project Categories

  • Research Engine

    Research Engine

    The House Divided research engine offers access to thousands of historic images and records covering a period from 1840 to 1880. Visitors enter the site exactly 150 years ago from today allowing them to experience everything from the headlines of the moment   to profiles of the people who were celebrating birthdays at that time. All…

  • Classroom Sites

    Classroom Sites

    To help teachers use the abundant primary source materials available through House Divided, we have begun to create a series of special classroom sites. The Underground Railroad Digital Classroom, for example, offers hundreds of documents, images, and stories to help explain the importance of the antebellum effort to help runaway slaves. The classroom also includes dozens…

  • Production Sites

    Production Sites

    The House Divided Project also currently features a blog, an online journal and a new atlas. The Blog Divided provides useful descriptions of the latest digital tools available across the web for the entire period, 1840 to 1880. The Journal Divided is a new site that hosts interactive essays on period topics, using a format…

  • Special Exhibitions

    Special Exhibitions

    From its beginnings, the House Divided Project has sought out institutional partners to create a series of engaging special exhibitions on the Civil War era. Visit “Building the Digital Lincoln,” a joint effort with the Journal of American History to see some exciting new tools for researching Abraham Lincoln. Or come see the poignant exhibit about…

  • Social Media

    Social Media

    The House Divided Project exists to share resources freely with all engaged teachers and students of any age and from any country. In that spirit, we are promoting our content in social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. We have posted word clouds in the Wordle Gallery, lesson plans at Scribd, and our…