At Quora, the social question & answer website, we have posted the following essential question to help teachers and students organize their thoughts on some of the documents within the Father Abraham theme: Why did Lincoln try to separate some aspects of equality and civil rights issues from emancipation policy and his opposition to […]
Search results: "John Sheridan"
The following people have contributed a wide range of editorial content to the Lincoln’s Writings site. You can view their particular contributions by clicking on their names below. All of these editors have been graduate student participants in Matthew Pinsker’s “Understanding Lincoln,” online course from the Gilder Lehrman Institute, or undergraduate students in Pinsker’s American history classes at Dickinson […]
At Quora, the social question & answer website, we have posted the following essential question to help teachers and students organize their thoughts on some of the documents within the Father Abraham theme: How should we teach Lincoln’s nationalism? You can view (and vote) on all of the answers to this question at Quora, which […]
Choosing 150 “most teachable” Lincoln documents is necessarily subjective and involves tough trade-offs and plenty of second-guessing. No single list can encompass everybody’s favorite Lincoln documents or take into account each different type of classroom. So we asked participants in the Understanding Lincoln online course to suggest some alternative choices (or “Alt Lincoln Documents”) that editor […]