Search Summary
- Search conducted by Amanda Donoghue from March 4 – March 8, 2019
- Keywords: stampede, stampeded, stampeding, various combinations of synonyms of stampede + slave (slave + exodus, slave + escape, etc.)
- Total: 1 hit (but outside time frame)
Top Results
- “One thousand negro men stampeded from their employers in Georgia in spite of contracts, and crops are consequently precarious.” (“Gleanings,” Charleston MO Charleston Courier, May 18, 1866)
Selected Images
General Notes
- The Charleston Courier was a newspaper run from 1859 to 1875 out of Charleston, MO in Mississippi County. It is accessible online through the State Historical Society of Missouri’s digital newspapers collection.
- While the May 1866 article is outside the project timeline, its usage of the word “stampede” in reference to free black sharecroppers, rather than escaping slaves, suggests staying power for the term.
- In addition to the article search, I tested the accuracy of the database website’s text search function. Using the website’s advanced search, which allows users to search within specific newspapers, I searched for pre-selected terms found in a random selection of articles to check that each article was presented in the results of the search. Overall, it seemed that the function correctly found all the articles that contained the search terms.