Author: Cooper Wingert

Discussion Sections and Creating Hashtags

Today, students in Prof. Lynn Johnson’s discussion section created hashtags to synthesize the arguments of speeches delivered by Sojourner Truth and Frederick Douglass. Between the laughter, students justified their creative hashtags by pointing to evidence in the original texts.students present around a chalkboard and table

Some of their best hits include:

  • #gimmemypint
  • #MenDoMore
  • #nothintoargue
  • #72:2
  • #notlightbutfire
  • #giveHERachance
  • #HawkandABuzzard
  • #notmyfourth

students present around tables, at a chalkboard

Back in the Dorm

Students finished their required readings early last night and played an intense, nail-biting game of clue.

Students and their TA sitting around a table in the dorm room playing a game of clue.

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