Today was another study-filled day, but we made sure to leave room for fun.  Students read three documents for today’s lecture, and in some cases used that context to flesh out their close reading essays further.  After lunch, Charlotte Goodman (a graduate TA), Professor Pinsker, and the undergraduate interns took the students on the Dickinson and Slavery tour developed by House Divided.  Using markers throughout Dickinson’s campus, the instructors educated the students about the college’s founders and their connections to slavery, the impact Dickinsonians made on the Dred Scott decision, a gate named after the first formerly-enslaved person formally honored by the college, and Dickinson’s first Black employees.  The tour ended with an exploration of the House Divided studio itself, and the students were able to learn more about Dickinson and Carlisle’s history and inspect reproductions of historical artifacts, such as Dred and Harriet Scott’s freedom files.  Several of them also located a hat similar to Abraham Lincoln’s, and of course, that required immediate trials of its fit.

Two students near doorway, in front of blue wall. One student is posing while wearing a black top hat.

Arianna in Lincoln Hat, Vincent Jealous of Her Style

Student wearing Lincoln hat, looking up at the camera

Ava Harnessing Lincoln’s Power

Student wearing the Lincoln hat and posing with his hands up

Robert Embodying Lincoln’s Spirit

Other students chose to inspect early editions of plaques stored in the studio, or photos on the wall of Freedom Courtyard (located behind the studio).

Student crouching in front of two plaques, one small and bronze and the other larger and gold-lined

Ben Studying Original Plaques for Noah Pinkney

Students in Freedom Courtyard's brick hallway, looking at signs

Anderson, Finn, Erik, and Anthony Being Studious

The entire tour was an enlightening experience which the students enjoyed before heading off to an admissions workshop.  That mini-class informed them about how best to prepare for college essays and interviews.  The students had been working on their close reading posts for the last few days, and they were finally due this evening.  All of the undergraduate tutors were available for video or writing assistance up until the deadline for any student who requested help.

At nine o’clock, the students gathered in the 4th-floor common room for a ‘PowerPoint night’ event.  Anyone who wished (including TAs and interns) could choose a topic in which they were interested, prepare a funny slideshow, and then present it to everyone in the room.  After clearing their presentations with the TAs or interns, the students were free to teach everyone about their niche interests.  Watching everyone’s presentations was a wonderful way for the students to let off some steam after being so dedicated to their close reading posts.  A special all-day field trip to Washington, D.C. was scheduled tomorrow, so after the slideshows were done, everyone prepared themselves to get some rest for what would surely be an event-packed, educational day.

Student standing to the left of a television screen with a QR Code for Downtown York on it

Finn Ending His Persuasive PowerPoint

Man standing to the left of a television screen with Nicolas Cage's face on it

Cooper Standing Next to His Lookalike