Greetings to all who have stumbled upon this gracious website. Whether you are a prospective participant of the program or a parent looking to see what your kids are up to, the 2023 Knowledge for Freedom Seminar roster is here to share with you, what our experiences have been!

Although the light bulbs ? in our bathrooms flicker, Professor Pinsker enlightens our minds with his discussion of freedom and slavery! In discussions with Professor Johnson, we looked into the history of African Americans and the idea of “American Africanism” and how that is reflected in our founding document and the Dred and Harriet Scott case. Recently, we have had insightful conversations about different figures in the time leading up to the Civil War such as Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, and Sojourner Truth.

It would be a shame to “paper” (Wingert 2023) over the fact that our dorms at the High Street Residence are LEED Platinum certified, which has been supplemented by our selfless decision to refrain from using paper towels, allowing us to save the trees ?. That fact is starting to change with the staff heeding our calls to reform these measures. Dorm life has been lovely with daily hangouts in the common areas on both floor three and floor four, but as seen by the higher population density in the fourth floor, it isn’t hard to see which is the better one.

The quality of the scrambled eggs every morning with their lovely texture in our mouths has brightened ☀️our day making the seminar egg-celent!

Finn (student) and Cooper (TA) clinking their cups of root beer floats

The cafeteria has been another center of our socialization as we are learning so much about each other’s backgrounds and lives. This location has also become a birthplace of interesting food combinations such as the root beer floats created by Finn and Cooper made with, of course, root beer, but with an interesting choice of chocolate frozen yogurt instead. Surprisingly, this facility has brought out levels of creativity that we never thought imaginable! In addition to this mind-blowing ? creation, another TA, Charlotte, showed her ingenuity with her choice of a FORK as her choice of utensil for eating her fro-yo.

Even with the burning heat ?that we have been feeling on campus, the air-conditioned indoors of all of the wonderful buildings here at Dickinson College make it the perfect summer activity. However, it may not be enough as we witnessed Professor Pinsker’s passionate, heartfelt lecture with sweat dripping down his face from his sheer enthusiasm, and definitely not because of the heat!

Anthony showing off an painting of Benjamin Rush

Students have been able to roam about the campus and enjoy an authentic experience at Dickinson College. A group of students visited the Weiss Center for the Arts and toured the Trout Art Gallery and witness beautiful art pieces such as this depiction of Benjamin Rush?‍?, founding father of the United States of America, and the founder of Dickinson College! We also enjoyed the wonderful service of 24/7 practice rooms located in the building, allowing students to stay in peak artistic form while spending their time at the Knowledge for Freedom Seminar!

That is all now! We will be updating you throughout the rest of the seminar! If you are finding this as a high-schooler, be sure to be ready to sign up next year ✒️ in May. If you are a parent, we are all safe and sound, creating timeless bonds, and learning invaluable information ?!

Update: They have given us paper towels. The tyranny is over!


Written by,

Anthony Khuc


In cooperation with,

Cooper Hamelton Wingert

&& Everyone else in the camp!!!