Welcome to the first post of the 2023 Teagle Seminar Blog, my name is Jordan Schucker and I am an undergraduate intern with the House Divided Project. My fellow interns–Forbes, Henry, Etsub–and I will be creating posts every morning about the previous day’s activities.

High Street Dorm (Architect Magazine)

Yesterday was dedicated to getting the students settled into the program. They moved into their rooms in the High Street Residence Hall until we reconvened in the common room downstairs for a brief meeting. After we discussed the basic rules of the program, we headed to the cafeteria for our first meal as a group. We then returned to the dorm and played “Two Truths and a Lie” as an icebreaker. We also made sure to set up everyone’s laptops and phones with the Dickinson WiFi network so they could get started on their reading assignments for the night. In the evening, the students went for a walk together, played a game of Ultimate Frisbee, and hung out in the common rooms.

Overall, the Teagle Seminar staff is excited to work with this group of 24 students for the next two weeks. We hope you will continue to follow along for Seminar updates in the days to come.