This section features virtual field trips, in which users create immersive experience with Google Earth by overlaying historic maps, structures, images and text, and several collections of three-dimensional models of historic structures.
Need Help? See How do I use the tour files? or How do I use the model files? for more information.
Delicious Bookmarks
Delicious is a free social site that acts as a bookmarking service. Members can save their own bookmarks online, share with others, and investigate the most popular bookmarks amongst the community. Its most useful service is the fact that users can access their personal bookmarks from any computer at any location. |
Facebook Page
Facebook, which was created in 2004, is a popular social networking website. |
Flickr Photostream
Flickr is a free online management and sharing application. House Divided’s Photostream has several sets of selected images from the project’s main image collection. |
Google Maps
Google Maps is a free online service that allows users to create custom maps. House Divided’s map collection includes Jeb Stuart and the Gettysburg Campaign, Dickinson College Class of 1858 and Class of 1860 |
Scribd Page
Scribd, which was founded in 2007, is a social publishing and reading site that allows users to share documents. |
Twitter Page
Twitter is a “real-time information network” that was created in 2006. |
Wordle Gallery
Wordle is a tool that enables users to make analysis of any body of text. Wordle’s swift digital reading provides “word clouds” that highlight the words that appear with most frequency in speeches, essays, or any other writing. Free to download and use, resulting images can be saved, printed, or shared with other users in the Wordle on-line gallery. |
YouTube Channel
YouTube is the most popular hosting service for on-line video in the world. Founded in February 2005, the service allows for the simple upload and sharing of video clips, either on the YouTube site and through embedding capability across the Internet. |