Grades 2-6
Teacher Resources for Exploring the Role of the Underground Railroad in Erie County, Pennsylvania
Submitted by Kathleen Rankin for NEH Workshop
This document is intended to provide resources for
grades 2-6 teachers for the purpose of instructing students in the role of the
Underground Railroad in Erie County, Pennsylvania history. Much of the
information presented is based on the excellent documentary DVD and website that examines the history and people that were
specifically connected with the Underground Railroad in northwestern Pennsylvania. The focus has been narrowed from Safe Harbor and other resources
to examine the roles of individuals in Erie County. Suggestions for
activities and a listing of resources as well as some primary sources are
The study could last from 2-3 class periods to several
class periods depending on the age of the students and the amount of depth each
teacher chooses to go into. Teachers using these suggestions should
determine objectives based on their own curriculum and classroom priorities.
The activities do not need to be followed in chronological order.
The following PA standards are relevant to these activities and resources.
PA Standards:
o Arts and Humanities
9.1.5 E. Knows and demonstrates how arts can communicate experiences,
stories or emotions through the production of works in the arts
o History
8.2.6. A. Identifies political and
cultural contributions of individuals to Pennsylvania history
Teacher Background
Click on the following links to access necessary
background information for the recommended activities:
Fugitive Slave Act
of 1850
Safe Harbor timeline
Harry T. Burleigh biography
Harry T. Burleigh family chronology:
Classroom Activities:
1) Define terminology: underground
railroad, slave, fugitive, abolitionist, spiritual (Read information at
the Dickinson College website)
2) Depending on the grade level of the
students, give an overview of slavery and provide time for discussion on their
reactions. View and discuss the image depicting an
ad for a runaway slave.
Ask students to tell anything they have heard about the Underground Railroad
and list their ideas. Explain that as the study progresses their
statements will be moved into a Venn diagram indicating whether their beliefs
about the Underground Railroad are factual, folklore, or a blend of both.
3) Introduce and discuss the life of Hamilton Waters, a freed
slave who settled in Erie. Discuss why a former slave might settle
in Erie instead of remaining in the South. Look at the newspaper
notice that Waters placed in a Philadelphia newspaper to locate his
4) Explore Hamilton Waters' role as an abolitionist in Erie and the Safe Harbor website portraying him aiding fugitive slaves to freedom. Introduce
students to the Underground Railroad and show the routes that slaves
may have traveled through Pennsylvania and neighboring states on their way to
freedom in Canada.
5) Read and discuss the account of Joseph Long, another fugitive slave who
lived in Erie before settling in Canada. Click on the primary source
document to read portions of the original letter. Provide
maps or an atlas to identify the locations where Lang lived and traveled
6) Introduce and discuss the significance of Negro spirituals.
Introduce the life of Harry T. Burleigh, the grandson of former slave
Hamilton Waters. He is sometimes referred to as “the father of spirituals.”
He was born in Erie, moved to New York City and composed and arranged
music for many spirituals as well as other songs.. He is buried in Erie. Explain that Pfeiffer-Burleigh Elementary School in Erie is named in part for Harry Burleigh. Consider inviting Charles Kennedy, a local
expert on Burleigh's music and a Burleigh “impersonator,” to the school to
perform Burleigh's songs. He can be contacted at:
Kennedy's recording, “Heart and Soul, Love Songs, Art Songs and Spirituals”
(1994) contains many traditional Negro spirituals that were written by
View a copy of Deep River, a Negro spiritual arranged by Burleigh.
Locate a recording of the song and listen to it with students and discuss the
meaning of the song.
Additional Resources:
Dickinson College resource page for more images,
timeline and other imformation
Slave narratives (not local but very insightful)
Erie Observer Civil War era newspaper that can be accessed
to view articles and ads from specific issues
Pennsylvania history lesson plans, including ideas for the Underground Railroad
Erie County Historical Society
Hazel Kibler Museum Girard,
PA museum that houses a small Underground Railroad exhibit
Steal Away-Music of the Underground Railroad (also can hear their recording of Wade in the Water)