Lesson Plan : George Savitsky


Length of lesson:  Two days for Science and Communication Arts

                              Three days for Math

                              Ten days for Social Studies ( Additional materials for the       

                                                                             Social Studies teacher that will not be

                                                                              included with this lesson plan )

Grade: 8 th grade



Overview: The design of these lessons are two fold, first the core subjects will support the Social Studies teacher in her efforts to teach students about the Underground Railroad, second we will all support the observance of Black History Month. 



Social Studies


Communication Arts


Understand the importance of a primary source document.


Read a brief introduction about the life of Harriet\t Tubman.


Write a letter of appreciation to Harriet Tubman.

Understand the importance of a primary source document.


Calculate the volume of a box using the dimensions used to make Henry Brown’s box.


Build a scaled down version of THE BOX.

Understand the importance of a primary source document.


Write three expressive essays centered around a slave reward ad.


Read one of the essays to your classmates.

Understand the importance of a primary source document.


Plan an escape from a slave master.


Use the Big Dipper to find you way north.







Activities: (See attached files.)

Name _______________________________  Date _____________ Period ___________


Math: Black History Month Activity; Underground Railroad             Henry ”Box” Brown

Read and discuss the story of Henry “Box” Brown. Re-read the part of the story that tells of the dimensions of the box that was made to transport Henry Brown. Record these dimensions on the worksheet.

The Story of Henry “Box” Brown (1848)

Excerpted from William Still's Underground Railroad (1872), pp. 82-86




Although the name of Henry Box Brown has been echoed over the land for a number of years, and the simple facts connected with his marvelous escape from slavery in a box published widely through the medium of anti-slavery papers, nevertheless it is not unreasonable to suppose that very little is generally known in relation to this case.

Briefly, the facts are these, which doubtless have never before been fully published-

Brown was a man of invention as well as a hero. In point of interest, however, his case is no more remarkable than many others. Indeed, neither before nor after escaping did he suffer one-half what many others have experienced.

He was decidedly an unhappy piece of property in the city of Richmond , Va. In the condition of a slave he felt that it would be impossible for him to remain. Full well did he know, however, that it was no holiday task to escape the vigilance of Virginia slave-hunters, or the wrath of an enraged master for committing the unpardonable sin of attempting to escape to a land of liberty. So Brown counted well the cost before venturing upon this hazardous undertaking. Ordinary modes of travel he concluded might prove disastrous to his hopes; he, therefore, hit upon a new invention altogether, which was to have himself boxed up and forwarded to Philadelphia direct by express. The size of the box and how it was to be made to fit him most comfortably, was of his own ordering. Two feet eight inches deep, two feet wide, and three feet long were the exact dimensions of the box, lined with baize. His resources with regard to food and water consisted of the following: One bladder of water and a few small biscuits. His mechanical implement to meet the death-struggle for fresh air, all told, was one large gimlet. Satisfied that it would be far better to peril his life for freedom in this way than to remain under the galling yoke of Slavery, he entered his box, which was safely nailed up and hooped with five hickory hoops, and was then addressed by his next friend, James A. Smith, a shoe dealer, to Wm. H. Johnson, Arch street, Philadelphia, marked, "This side up with care." In this condition he was sent to Adams' Express office in a dray, and thence by overland express to Philadelphia . It was twenty-six hours from the time he left Richmond until his arrival in the City of Brotherly Love . The notice, "This side up, &c.," did not avail with the different expressmen, who hesitated not to handle the box in the usual rough manner common to this class of men. For a while they actually had the box upside down, and had him on his head for miles. A few days before he was expected, certain intimation was conveyed to a member of the Vigilance Committee that a box might be expected by the three o'clock morning train from the South, which might contain a man. One of the most serious walks he ever took-and they had not been a few-to meet and accompany passengers, he took at half past two o'clock that morn-ing to the depot. Not once, but for more than a score of times, he fancied the slave would be dead. He anxiously looked while the freight was being unloaded from the cars, to see if he could recognize a box that might contain a man; one alone had that appearance, and he confessed it really seemed as if there was the scent of death about it. But on inquiry, he soon learned that it was not the one he was looking after, and he was free to say he experienced a marked sense of relief. That same afternoon, however, he received from Richmond a telegram, which read thus, "Your case of goods is shipped and will arrive to-morrow morning."






























Name _______________________________  Date _____________ Period ___________


Black History Month Activity ; Underground Railroad     Henry ”Box” Brown Worksheet


You will first calculate the volume of the box that Henry Brown was shipped in. Then you will re-construct a model of the box using popsicle sticks. Your model must be constructed to scale.


Dimensions of THE BOX


Length 1 ____________


Length 2 ____________                              Volume ______________________


Length 3 ____________



Show your work






Name _______________________________ Date _______________ Period _________


Communication Arts: Black History Month                                           Expressive Essays




Above is a primary document that was found in a typical newspaper during the time when slaves were escaping from bondage. The designed of an ad such as this was to have anyone who read the ad to respond to it. You will write three brief essays that expresses how you would respond to this ad from three different perspectives.


­­­­­­­Perspective #1 – You are a kidnapper who has read this ad. The ad has sparked your interest to capture these slaves receive your reward. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Perspective # 2 – You are the slave master that has  submitted the ad and is eager to get his runaway slaves returned. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Perspective # 3 – You are Joe Bailey, one of the escaped slaves, and have been told that a large reward has been placed for you and your two companions. 


Name ____________________________ Date ______________ Period_____________


Science: Underground Railroad Celestial Guidance                                       Astronomy


The following is taken from the textbook A History of US. This sample is law number 36 that the state of North Carolina. It reads as follows.


36. From a North Carolina Law Forbidding the Teaching of Slaves to Read and Write



This North Carolina law of 1831 made it a crime to teach slaves to read and write Most other states in the pre-Civil War South had similar laws. The law was designed to keep blacks ignorant and unable to live outside of slavery. The fugitive slave and abolitionist Fredrick Douglass believed that these laws were the greatest evil of slavery. At an early age, he managed to teach himself to read. After the Civil War many slaves were convinced that true liberation depended on learning how to read or write. Tens of thousands of freed men and women and their children flocked to Freedmen’s Schools across the South.


Law # 36


Wheras the teaching of slaves to read and write, has a tendency to excite dissatisfaction in their minds, and to produce insurrection and rebellion, to the manifest injury of the citizens of this State: Therefore, Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That any free person, who shall hereafter teach, or attempt to teach, any slave within the State to read or write, the use of figures excepted, or shall give or sell to such slave or slaves any books or pamphlets, shall be liable to indictment in any court of record in this State having jurisdiction thereof, and upon conviction, shall, at the discretion of the court, if a white man or woman, be fined not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars, or imprisoned; and if a free person of color, shall be fined, imprisoned, or whipped, at the discretion of the court, not exceeding thirty nine lashes, nor less than twenty lashes.


Be it further enacted, That if any slave shall hereafter teach, or attempt to teach, any other slave to read or write, the use of figures excepted, he or she may be carried before any justice of the peace and on conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to receive thirty nine lashes on his or her bare back.










After read this law to have decided to escape. Your task is to develop a plan of escape. Use your knowledge of finding the North Star using the big dipper.


Assignment: Your plan must include the number of people that you will take with you. The supplies that you will need for the escape and that you may need during your movement north. An alibi in the event of confrontation from an approaching white man. A city of destination.



































Homework: After dark, you and the members of your group will report to the corner of

                    Buchanan Ave. and Race Ave. Using the Big Dipper find the North Star and walk two hundred steps and describe your location. The description of your surroundings should be at least 50 words.

Name ___________________________  Date ______________ Period _____________


Social Studies: Underground Railroad                                                      Harriet Tubman


During the Civil War period, a series of stations and routes leading from the South to Northern cities and Canada was established to help slaves pursuit their freedom. These roads to freedom were referred to the Underground Railroad (UGRR). The heroic people who helped the slaves along these dangerous routes provided guidance, shelter, food, and clothing.


One of the most remarkable heroines of the Underground Railroad was Harriet Tubman, She was a born Araminta “Minty” Ross on the plantation of Anthony Thompson found on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. An escaped slave herself, Tubman made thirteen trips back to the Eastern Shore of Maryland and let at least seventy family members and friends to their freedom. She was known as “Moses,” a courageous woman that led people to freedom.


When Harriet Tubman decided to escape, she found no one, neither family nor friends, who would accompany her on such a dangerous trip. She traveled alone and tapped into an underground organization that was already functioning well on the Eastern Shore. Traveling by night, using the North Star and instructions from black and white helpers, she found her way to freedom in Philadelphia.


After settling in Philadelphia, Harriet returned to the Eastern Shore, gathering companies of family and friends whose confidence in Tubman was well-founded. She lad about seventy slaves to their freedom. Each trip to the Eastern Shore, became increasingly dangerous to Tubman. The more her reputation spread, the more pro-slavery people tried to stop her. Still Tubman continued to lead slaves north and help them adjust to their new life style. After her death, Harriet Tubman was buried in Auburn, New York, where she had settled her aging parents after leading them to freedom.


Pretend you are escaping to the North with Harriet Tubman. Write notes on your feelings during your first night of freedom while traveling with Harriet Tubman. In you notes include the following; What do you hope for? What are you afraid of?  What questions do you have?  Write your notes below. On the back write a letter of appreciation to Harriet Tubman for her helping you to escape.























































