Documentary Videos

Students at Dickinson College have been producing a series of documentary short films on the Civil War era in the Cumberland Valley.  They cover a broad range of topics.  There is the gripping story of a unit from Carlisle whose soldiers were captured in 1864 and then sent to the notorious Andersonville prison camp.  One student documented his remarkable quest to uncover the experiences of black soldiers such as Carlisle resident Henry W. Spradley. There is also a true love story featuring a husband and wife with differing political views. On this page, you will also find a video introduction to the amazing stories behind the Old Courthouse in Carlisle and links to a series of student directed documentary shorts produced for the Cumberland County Historical Society.

From Carlisle to Andersonville (2011)

Henry W. Spradley, Citizen (2011)

Do They Miss Me At Home? (2011)

Old Courthouse (2011)

And for even more student-directed video documentaries produced on a wide range of topics from the Civil War era in the Cumberland Valley, please go to: