Confederate General Ewell’s requisition of supplies (June 27, 1863)
As part of the Gettysburg campaign, Confederate General Richard S. Ewell’s troops entered Carlisle on June 27, 1863. While Confederates did not destroy any buildings at the barracks or in the town, they demanded supplies. General Ewell told Carlisle residents that the following “supplies [had to] be ready at 6 oclock” and brought to the “front of the Court House:”
2500 lbs Bacon
100 sacks Salt
1500 Bls. Flour
25 Bls. Potatoes
25 Bls. Molasses
500 lbs Coffee
3000 lbs Sugar
25 Bls Dried Fruit
After Ewell’s men left the following day, Union militia regiments from New York under Major General William F. Smith‘s command reoccupied the town. Several days later, however, Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart’s cavalry arrived. You can read the General Ewell’s original order on House Divided by clicking on the link or on the image below –