- Tab 1: Fergus Bordewich discusses what happened to leading Underground Railroad agents after the Civil War.
- Tab 2: Fergus Bordewich discusses what he finds to be the most serious myth about the Underground Railroad.
- Tab 3: Fergus Bordewich discusses who some of the unsung heroes of the Underground Railroad are.
- Tab 4: Fergus Bordewich discusses what inspired the Underground Railroad, and, more generally, the American anti slavery movement.
- Tab 1: Kate Larson discusses Harriet Tubman and Women's Rights.
- Tab 2: Kate Larson discusses an overview of Harriet Tubman.
- Tab 3: Kate Larson discusses Harriet Tubman Myths.
- Tab 4: Kate Larson discusses Harriet Tubman in the Civil War.
- Tab 5: Kate Larson discusses Harriet Tubman After the Civil War.
- Tab 6: Kate Larson discusses Harriet Tubman and John Brown.
- Tab 1
- Tab 2
- Tab 3
- Tab 4
Fergus Bordewich, author of the highly praised Bound for Canaan: The Underground Railroad and the War for the Soul of America (2005)
Transcript of this Video
Fergus Bordewich, author of the highly praised Bound for Canaan: The Underground Railroad and the War for the Soul of America (2005)
Transcript of this Video
Fergus Bordewich, author of the highly praised Bound for Canaan: The Underground Railroad and the War for the Soul of America (2005)
Transcript of this Video
Fergus Bordewich, author of the highly praised Bound for Canaan: The Underground Railroad and the War for the Soul of America (2005)
Transcript of this Video