
What were the Lincoln Douglas Debates about?
Interviewed by Ben Lyman (Dickinson College, PA) on June 16, 2009.

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Who won the Debates?
Interviewed by David Gillespie (Dickinson College, PA) on June 16, 2009.

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Was Lincoln a Racist?
Interviewed by Craig Blackman (Indian River High School, VA) and
Elliott Drago (Parkway West High School, PA) on July 8, 2009.

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Did Lincoln care about Material Possessions?
Interviewed by Sherry Downer (John C. Fremont Elementary School, CA) on July 8, 2009.

How Did Lincoln's View of Slavery Change Through his Lifetime?
Interviewed by Debbie Peters (Deer Valley Unified School District, AZ) on July 8, 2009.